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Student Information
Create Student Information in "students" table
Input Student Mark in "marks" table Marks of all the subjects of all the students , if soemone gets less than 33 ,then "Failed" will be written with Mark & if someone gets the highest mark then "Highest" will be written with Mark.
Show Mark from "marks" tableSEARCH option is available
Show MarkSheet individually by making a "one to many" relationship with "students" & "marks" table it makes individual MarkSheet of Each student . SEARCH option is available
Getting Total Marks & Merit By using queries on "marks" table this page gets Total Marks & Merit position of each student
Enter Total Marks in Database Enter the Total Marks gathered from queries, in Database "totals" table ,means you will have to enter the data which you have got from queries on "marks" table in new table "totals". This means if any Mark is added or updated in "marks" table , you will have to update this "totals" table
Showing Total Marks from "totals" table
FinalResultBy "joining" 2 tables "marks" & "totals"
Input Teachers Salary Report card
Teachers Salary Report card
Input Student fees payment details
Student Fees record